11 in compiling this short History. He has confined himself to bare facts, and has arranged them in chronological order. As a manual it is invaluable and is calculated to give a clear outline of the subject to the readers. I sincerely hope and wish that the work will meet with that support from the public which it so richly deserves. Trevandrum 3rd. April 1892
My dear Soobramonia Iyer.
I went through your History of Travancore carefully and I am glad to find that you have done your best to bring out a History of Travancore from the earliest times down to the present in a clear and concise form. Your book really supplies the long felt want of a class book on the subject in the higher class vernacular schools. The only Malayalam treatise we have on the subject is an incomplete one being but an account of the reigns of the most important Sovereigns of Travancore by the late Raja Sir. T. Madhava Row. It totally abstains from all mention of the early history of Travancore nor is any mention made of the sovereigns who ruled this state since the great Rama Varma who died in 973. You have on the other hand sketched. the history of Travancore in a connected form, from prehistoric times down to the present and the accurate and concise manner in which you have done your task shows that you have spared no pains to make the book acceptable to the general reading public and have no hesitation in saying that your book willbe