A Malayalam and English dictionary

രചന:ഹെർമൻ ഗുണ്ടർട്ട് (1872)
[ 19 ]
ab. above. BhadrD.
Bhadra Dīpam, or Bhadra Dīpa-
Abl. Ablative (case).
abr. abridged. [lute manner. Bhg. Bhāgavatam.
abs. the case absolute, or in an abso- Bhg V. Bhāgavata Vyākhyānam.
abstr.N. abstract Noun. Bhr. Mahābhāratam.
aC. ancient Canarese. BR.(BalR.) Bāla Rāmāyaṇam.
acc. according to Brhm P. Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇam.
Acc Accusative (case). Buch. Buchanan J : a journey through
Mysore, etc. London 1807, 3 Vol.
A. D. Anno Domini (the Christian era).
adj. adjective. C. Canarese (tongue).
adj.P. do. Participle. c. case.
adv., advl. adverb, adverbial Cal. Calicut.
adv. P. adverbial Participle. Cal. KU. Calicut Kēraḷa Utpatti.
Adw. Adwaitam. Can. Cannanore.
Adw. S. Adwaita Shatakam. Carṇāmṛ. Kŗšṇa-, or Rāma-Karṇāmṛtam.
AK. gnāna Kuṭhāram. (Cottayam). Cart V. Kārtavīryārjuna Katha.
al. alias, otherwise, elsewhere. CatR. Catechismus romanus, Rome.
a M. ancient Malayāḷam. caus causal.
Amara S. (K.) Amara Simham (Kōšam). CC., (CCh.) Cṛšṇa Charitam.
a med. ancient Medical Treatises in prose. cfr. confer = compare.
Anach. Anācharam CG. Cṛĭṇa Gātha.
Anj. Anjaḍі (poem). Cheṙ. Chēṙa-nāḍụ.
a N. pr. Nomen proprium, a proper name. Chin. Chinese (tongue).
Арр. Appendix. Ċhintar. Chintā-ratnam.
AR. Adhyātma Rāmāyaṇam. Chint. R. (ChR) Chintāmani Ratnam.
Ar. Arabic (tongue). [yam 1851. Chir. doc. Chiracal documents.
Arb. Arbuthnot A. J., Selections. Cotta- Christ. Christian.
Arch. Architecture. ChS. Chalana Shāstram.
arith. arithmetic, arithmetical. ChVr. Chaturdaša vŗttam.
Asht. Ašṭānga Hṛdayam. Coch KM. Cochi Këraḷa Māhātmyam.
astrol. astrology. Co. KN. Cōlattiri Kēraḷa Nāṭakam.
astr(on.). astronomy. Col. Cōla-nāḍụ.
aT. ancient Tamil. coll. T. colloquial Tamil.
auxV. auxiliary verb. com. commonly.
B. Bailey B.: Mal.-Engl. Dict. 1846.
(& Scripture Transl.).
comp. compare, comparison.
Compr. Comparative.
bef. before. Cond. Conditional.
bel. below. contr. contracted.
Beng. Bengali (tongue). corr. corrupted, corruption.
[ 20 ]
correl correlative. fr. from.
Срds. Compounds. freq V. frequentative Verb.
CrArj. Cṛšṇārjuna Yuddham. fut. future tense.
CrР. Cṛši Pāṭṭụ (about agriculture). G. Greek (tongue).
CS. Kaṇacku Sāram. Gan. Ganita shāstram.
Cur. Curian G.: an Essay on the Mal.
Syr. Church etc., Cottayam 1872.
Ge. German (tongue).
gen. generally.
CV. Causal Verb. (Madras 1863. Gen. Genitive (case).
D. Day F, the Land of the Perumals, Genov. Genovefa (Rom. Cath. poem).
Dalkh. Dakhāni (tongue). Ger. Gerund (gram.).
Dat. Dative (case). GnP. Gnāna-pāna.
def V. defective Verb. Gōṇḍ (a Dravidian language).
den V. denominative Verb. Govt. Government.
der. derivative. GP. Guṇa-pāṭham, Cottayam.
desid. desiderative (verb etc.) gram.(m). grammar, grammatical term.
dict. dictionary. H. Hindustāni (tongue).
difft. different. Heb. Hebrew (tongue). [pany.
dim. diminutive (noun). H. C. The Honorable East India Com-
distr. distributive. HNK. (НК.) Harināma Kīrtanam.
DM. Dēvi Māhātmyam. hon. honorary, honorific.
DN. Damayantī Nāṭakam. Hor. (HV.) Hōrā Vyākhyānam.
doc. document, documental. Hung. Hungarian (tongue).
Drav. Dravidian. huntg. hunting.
E. English; East (region). Hyd. Hyder Ali.
EM. Ēkādaŝi Māhātmyam. id. idem = the same.
emph. emphatic, emphatically. i. e. id est=that is.
EP. Eli Pāṭṭụ (about cats & rats). imit. imitative (sound).
epist epistolary (style). imp. (impeṛs.) impersonal.
Eṙ. Eṙa-nāḍụ. Imper. Imperative.
esp. especially. indef. indefinite.
Esthn. Esthonian (tongue). Inf. Infinitive.
euph euphemistic. Interj. Interjection.
Eur Europe, European. insсr. inscription.
ex example. Instr. Instrumental (case).
expl. an expletive or expletively. Intens. Intensive.
f. feminine gender. inter. interrogative.
f. i. for instance. intr. intransitive.
fig figuratively. i. q. id quod=the same as.
Finn. Finnic (languages). J. Jerdon C.T.: the Birds of India
Calcutta 1862, 2 Vol.
foll. following. Jew. Doc. Jewish Documents.
Fr. French (tongue). jud. judicial papers.
[ 21 ]
Kaḍ. Kaḍattuwa-nāḍụ. Nom. Nominative (case).
KeiN. Keivalya Navanītam. NS. Nyāya Shāstram.
KM. Kēralḷa Māhātmyam. obj. objective.
KN. Kēraḷa Nāṭakam [ki's Rām.). obl. oblique case.
KR. Kēraḷa Varma Rāmāyaṇam(Vālmī- obs. obsolete.
KU. Kēraḷa Utpatti. obsc. obscene.
KumK Kumārāharaṇa Katha. Onap. Ōṇa Pāṭṭụ.
L. Latin (tongue) Onamat. Onamatopœia (limitation of sound).
lit. literally. opp. opposite.
loc. Locative (case). P. Persian (tongue).
LPS. Laxmī Pārvatī Samwādam. Palg. Palghaut (district).
M. Malayāḷam (tongue). Palg. exh. do. exhibition 1867.
m. masculine gender. part. participle.
Mahr. Mahrathi (tongue). pass. passive.
Mal. Malabar (country). Pat R. Pātāḷa Rāmāyaṇam.
Malap. Malapuṙam (place). Pay. Payanūr Pāṭṭụ.
Malay. Malayan (tongue). phil philosophy.
Mantr. A collection of Mantrams. pl. plural (number).
math. mathematics. pleon. pleonastic.
MC. Mṛga Charitam (Cottayam). Plin. Pliny.
med. medical, medicinal po. poetic usage.
met. metaphorically. Port. Portugueso (tongue).
milit. military. [mams. pos. positive (opp. negative; degree).
MM. Marmamaṇy, old treatise on Mar- p.p. participle of the perfect passive (S.).
mod. modern. [Day.) PP. Puttan Pāna, Cottayam 1844.
Mo. Pra. Mōxadāyaka Prakaraṇam. (Mox. PR. Praṡna Rīti.
Mpl. (Mapl.) Mappiḷḷās, Malabar Mohammedans. PrC. Prahlāda Charitam.
MP. (Matsy.). Matsya Purāṇam. (1856.) prec. preceding.
MR. Collect Ch., Malayāḷam Reader. prep. preposition.
Ms., MSS. Manuscript, Manuscripts. [tram). pres present tense.
Mud. Mudrarāxasam (Chāṇakya Sū- prh. perhaps.
myth. mythology, mythological. prob. probably.
Nal. Naḷa Charitam. pron. pronoun.
Nasr. Nasrāṇis. prov. proverbs, proverbial.
N. Name, Noun, North. PT. Panchatantram, in 2 versions.
n. neuter gender; negative. Ptol. Ptolomy.
neg. negative. q.v. quod vide=which see.
Neg V. Negative Verb. RamK. Rāma Katha.
Nid. Nidānam, Cottayam. RC. Rāma Charitam.
N.N. Name and surname. Rel. Part., Pron. Relative Participle, Pronoun.
No., NoM. North, North Malabar. rev., Rev. revenue papers, revenue term.
[ 22 ]
Rh. Rheede's hortus malabaricus, 1689. TR. Tellicherry Records
(chiefly A.D. 1796-1799).
Rom. Cath. Roman Catholic.
RS. Rāmāyaṇa Sankīrtanam. tr. transitive.
S. Sanscrit; South (region). Trav. Travancore (country).
Sah. Sahadēva Vākyam. TrP. Tiruwanantapura Panchāngam.
Sah.M. Sahya Māhātmyam.
Sancr. Sankrānti Māhātmyam. Tu. Tuḷu (tongue).
Sank. Ach. Shankara Āchārya's history(prose). Turk. Turkish (tongue).
Scr. Scriptural (Bible). UmV. Umēšāna vṛttam.
SG. Santāna Gōpālam (2 versions). UR. Uttara Rāmāyaṇam.
ShV. Shabari Vākyam. [etc.). v. verb.
sic =thus (so met with in Granthams v. a. active verb.
SidD. Siddhānta Dīpika. v. i. intransitive verb.
Sil. Shīlavati Pāṭṭụ. [ prefixes. v. int. intensive verb.
simpl. simple, i.e. verbor Noun without v. iter. iterative verb.
sing. singular (number). v.n. neuter verb.
Si Pu. (SP.) Shiva Purāṇam. V. part. Verbal participle.
SiR. Shiva-rātri Māhātmyam. v. t. transitive verb.
Sit Vij. Sītā Vijayam. V. verapoly dictionaries.
Sit Vṛtt. Sītā Vṛttam. V1. the 1st part, Mal. & Port.
Sk. Skāndam purāṇam. V2. the 2nd part, port. & Mal.
Soc. Social (case). VCh. Veirāgya chandrōdayam.
So. Can. South Canara. Ved. the Vedic language.
So. & So M. South, South Malabar. Ved (t). D. Vēdānta Daršanam.
Som. Sōmavāra-Pāṭṭụ. Vednt. Vēdānta treatise.
Som. Mah. Sōmavāra Māhātmyam. Vetc. (VC.) Vētāḷa Charitam. [ers).
SSh. Shilātāmra Shāsanaṅgal. VeY. Vēḍāyuddham (a poem about hunt-
Stuti different Stutis of Gods. Vilvp. Vilva Purāṇam.
Such. Mah. Shuchīndra Māhātmyam. VivR. Vivāda Ratnākaram.
Superl. Superlative. VN. Verbal Noun.
superst. superstition. Voc Vocative (case).
Sr., Swarg. several Swargārōhaṇam. vu. vulgar.
Swarg Kaly. Swargārōhṇa Kalyāṇam. VyM. Vyāvahāra Māla.
Syr. Syrian (tongue). VyP. Vyākaraṇa Pravēšam.
T. Tamil (tongue). W. Wilson's Vocabulary of Indian
terms; West (region).
t. tense.
Talip. Taḷipaṙambu (district). Winsl. Winslow. Tam.-Engl. Dict. (1862).
Tantr. Tantra-sangraham. 5. the five Dravidian languages: Ta-
mil, Telugu, Ċanarese, Tuḷu and
Tatw. Tattwa-gnānam.
Tdbh. Tadbhavam.
Te. Tẹlugu (tongue). 4. four of id. (with the exception
of the one given).
Tell. Tellicherry (district). Root.
temp. temporal. - l - repetition of the preceding word.
Ti. Tīppu Katha. Numbers after words refer to the pages of the
TP. Tachōḷi Pāṭṭụ.
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