A Malayalam and English dictionary/Abbreviations
←Transliteration | A Malayalam and English dictionary രചന: (1872) |
അ-അഃ→ |
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ab. | above. | BhadrD. Bh.D |
Bhadra Dīpam, or Bhadra Dīpa- pratišṭa. |
Abl. | Ablative (case). | ||
abr. | abridged. [lute manner. | Bhg. | Bhāgavatam. |
abs. | the case absolute, or in an abso- | Bhg V. | Bhāgavata Vyākhyānam. |
abstr.N. | abstract Noun. | Bhr. | Mahābhāratam. |
aC. | ancient Canarese. | BR.(BalR.) | Bāla Rāmāyaṇam. |
acc. | according to | Brhm P. | Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇam. |
Acc | Accusative (case). | Buch. | Buchanan J : a journey through Mysore, etc. London 1807, 3 Vol. |
A. D. | Anno Domini (the Christian era). | ||
adj. | adjective. | C. | Canarese (tongue). |
adj.P. | do. Participle. | c. | case. |
adv., advl. | adverb, adverbial | Cal. | Calicut. |
adv. P. | adverbial Participle. | Cal. KU. | Calicut Kēraḷa Utpatti. |
Adw. | Adwaitam. | Can. | Cannanore. |
Adw. S. | Adwaita Shatakam. | Carṇāmṛ. | Kŗšṇa-, or Rāma-Karṇāmṛtam. |
AK. | gnāna Kuṭhāram. (Cottayam). | Cart V. | Kārtavīryārjuna Katha. |
al. | alias, otherwise, elsewhere. | CatR. | Catechismus romanus, Rome. |
a M. | ancient Malayāḷam. | caus | causal. |
Amara S. (K.) | Amara Simham (Kōšam). | CC., (CCh.) | Cṛšṇa Charitam. |
a med. | ancient Medical Treatises in prose. | cfr. | confer = compare. |
Anach. | Anācharam | CG. | Cṛĭṇa Gātha. |
Anj. | Anjaḍі (poem). | Cheṙ. | Chēṙa-nāḍụ. |
a N. pr. | Nomen proprium, a proper name. | Chin. | Chinese (tongue). |
Арр. | Appendix. | Ċhintar. | Chintā-ratnam. |
AR. | Adhyātma Rāmāyaṇam. | Chint. R. (ChR) | Chintāmani Ratnam. |
Ar. | Arabic (tongue). [yam 1851. | Chir. doc. | Chiracal documents. |
Arb. | Arbuthnot A. J., Selections. Cotta- | Christ. | Christian. |
Arch. | Architecture. | ChS. | Chalana Shāstram. |
arith. | arithmetic, arithmetical. | ChVr. | Chaturdaša vŗttam. |
Asht. | Ašṭānga Hṛdayam. | Coch KM. | Cochi Këraḷa Māhātmyam. |
astrol. | astrology. | Co. KN. | Cōlattiri Kēraḷa Nāṭakam. |
astr(on.). | astronomy. | Col. | Cōla-nāḍụ. |
aT. | ancient Tamil. | coll. T. | colloquial Tamil. |
auxV. | auxiliary verb. | com. | commonly. |
B. | Bailey B.: Mal.-Engl. Dict. 1846. (& Scripture Transl.). |
comp. | compare, comparison. |
Compr. | Comparative. | ||
bef. | before. | Cond. | Conditional. |
bel. | below. | contr. | contracted. |
Beng. | Bengali (tongue). | corr. | corrupted, corruption. |
correl | correlative. | fr. | from. |
Срds. | Compounds. | freq V. | frequentative Verb. |
CrArj. | Cṛšṇārjuna Yuddham. | fut. | future tense. |
CrР. | Cṛši Pāṭṭụ (about agriculture). | G. | Greek (tongue). |
CS. | Kaṇacku Sāram. | Gan. | Ganita shāstram. |
Cur. | Curian G.: an Essay on the Mal. Syr. Church etc., Cottayam 1872. |
Ge. | German (tongue). |
gen. | generally. | ||
CV. | Causal Verb. (Madras 1863. | Gen. | Genitive (case). |
D. | Day F, the Land of the Perumals, | Genov. | Genovefa (Rom. Cath. poem). |
Dalkh. | Dakhāni (tongue). | Ger. | Gerund (gram.). |
Dat. | Dative (case). | GnP. | Gnāna-pāna. |
def V. | defective Verb. | Gōṇḍ | (a Dravidian language). |
den V. | denominative Verb. | Govt. | Government. |
der. | derivative. | GP. | Guṇa-pāṭham, Cottayam. |
desid. | desiderative (verb etc.) | gram.(m). | grammar, grammatical term. |
dict. | dictionary. | H. | Hindustāni (tongue). |
difft. | different. | Heb. | Hebrew (tongue). [pany. |
dim. | diminutive (noun). | H. C. | The Honorable East India Com- |
distr. | distributive. | HNK. (НК.) | Harināma Kīrtanam. |
DM. | Dēvi Māhātmyam. | hon. | honorary, honorific. |
DN. | Damayantī Nāṭakam. | Hor. (HV.) | Hōrā Vyākhyānam. |
doc. | document, documental. | Hung. | Hungarian (tongue). |
Drav. | Dravidian. | huntg. | hunting. |
E. | English; East (region). | Hyd. | Hyder Ali. |
EM. | Ēkādaŝi Māhātmyam. | id. | idem = the same. |
emph. | emphatic, emphatically. | i. e. | id est=that is. |
EP. | Eli Pāṭṭụ (about cats & rats). | imit. | imitative (sound). |
epist | epistolary (style). | imp. (impeṛs.) | impersonal. |
Eṙ. | Eṙa-nāḍụ. | Imper. | Imperative. |
esp. | especially. | indef. | indefinite. |
Esthn. | Esthonian (tongue). | Inf. | Infinitive. |
euph | euphemistic. | Interj. | Interjection. |
Eur | Europe, European. | insсr. | inscription. |
ex | example. | Instr. | Instrumental (case). |
expl. | an expletive or expletively. | Intens. | Intensive. |
f. | feminine gender. | inter. | interrogative. |
f. i. | for instance. | intr. | intransitive. |
fig | figuratively. | i. q. | id quod=the same as. |
Finn. | Finnic (languages). | J. | Jerdon C.T.: the Birds of India Calcutta 1862, 2 Vol. |
foll. | following. | Jew. Doc. | Jewish Documents. |
Fr. | French (tongue). | jud. | judicial papers. |
Kaḍ. | Kaḍattuwa-nāḍụ. | Nom. | Nominative (case). |
KeiN. | Keivalya Navanītam. | NS. | Nyāya Shāstram. |
KM. | Kēralḷa Māhātmyam. | obj. | objective. |
KN. | Kēraḷa Nāṭakam [ki's Rām.). | obl. | oblique case. |
KR. | Kēraḷa Varma Rāmāyaṇam(Vālmī- | obs. | obsolete. |
KU. | Kēraḷa Utpatti. | obsc. | obscene. |
KumK | Kumārāharaṇa Katha. | Onap. | Ōṇa Pāṭṭụ. |
L. | Latin (tongue) | Onamat. | Onamatopœia (limitation of sound). |
lit. | literally. | opp. | opposite. |
loc. | Locative (case). | P. | Persian (tongue). |
LPS. | Laxmī Pārvatī Samwādam. | Palg. | Palghaut (district). |
M. | Malayāḷam (tongue). | Palg. exh. | do. exhibition 1867. |
m. | masculine gender. | part. | participle. |
Mahr. | Mahrathi (tongue). | pass. | passive. |
Mal. | Malabar (country). | Pat R. | Pātāḷa Rāmāyaṇam. |
Malap. | Malapuṙam (place). | Pay. | Payanūr Pāṭṭụ. |
Malay. | Malayan (tongue). | phil | philosophy. |
Mantr. | A collection of Mantrams. | pl. | plural (number). |
math. | mathematics. | pleon. | pleonastic. |
MC. | Mṛga Charitam (Cottayam). | Plin. | Pliny. |
med. | medical, medicinal | po. | poetic usage. |
met. | metaphorically. | Port. | Portugueso (tongue). |
milit. | military. [mams. | pos. | positive (opp. negative; degree). |
MM. | Marmamaṇy, old treatise on Mar- | p.p. | participle of the perfect passive (S.). |
mod. | modern. [Day.) | PP. | Puttan Pāna, Cottayam 1844. |
Mo. Pra. | Mōxadāyaka Prakaraṇam. (Mox. | PR. | Praṡna Rīti. |
Mpl. (Mapl.) | Mappiḷḷās, Malabar Mohammedans. | PrC. | Prahlāda Charitam. |
MP. (Matsy.). | Matsya Purāṇam. (1856.) | prec. | preceding. |
MR. | Collect Ch., Malayāḷam Reader. | prep. | preposition. |
Ms., MSS. | Manuscript, Manuscripts. [tram). | pres | present tense. |
Mud. | Mudrarāxasam (Chāṇakya Sū- | prh. | perhaps. |
myth. | mythology, mythological. | prob. | probably. |
Nal. | Naḷa Charitam. | pron. | pronoun. |
Nasr. | Nasrāṇis. | prov. | proverbs, proverbial. |
N. | Name, Noun, North. | PT. | Panchatantram, in 2 versions. |
n. | neuter gender; negative. | Ptol. | Ptolomy. |
neg. | negative. | q.v. | quod vide=which see. |
Neg V. | Negative Verb. | RamK. | Rāma Katha. |
Nid. | Nidānam, Cottayam. | RC. | Rāma Charitam. |
N.N. | Name and surname. | Rel. Part., Pron. | Relative Participle, Pronoun. |
No., NoM. | North, North Malabar. | rev., Rev. | revenue papers, revenue term. |
Rh. | Rheede's hortus malabaricus, 1689. | TR. | Tellicherry Records (chiefly A.D. 1796-1799). |
Rom. Cath. | Roman Catholic. | ||
RS. | Rāmāyaṇa Sankīrtanam. | tr. | transitive. |
S. | Sanscrit; South (region). | Trav. | Travancore (country). |
Sah. | Sahadēva Vākyam. | TrP. | Tiruwanantapura Panchāngam. |
Sah.M. | Sahya Māhātmyam. | ||
Sancr. | Sankrānti Māhātmyam. | Tu. | Tuḷu (tongue). |
Sank. Ach. | Shankara Āchārya's history(prose). | Turk. | Turkish (tongue). |
Scr. | Scriptural (Bible). | UmV. | Umēšāna vṛttam. |
SG. | Santāna Gōpālam (2 versions). | UR. | Uttara Rāmāyaṇam. |
ShV. | Shabari Vākyam. [etc.). | v. | verb. |
sic | =thus (so met with in Granthams | v. a. | active verb. |
SidD. | Siddhānta Dīpika. | v. i. | intransitive verb. |
Sil. | Shīlavati Pāṭṭụ. [ prefixes. | v. int. | intensive verb. |
simpl. | simple, i.e. verbor Noun without | v. iter. | iterative verb. |
sing. | singular (number). | v.n. | neuter verb. |
Si Pu. (SP.) | Shiva Purāṇam. | V. part. | Verbal participle. |
SiR. | Shiva-rātri Māhātmyam. | v. t. | transitive verb. |
Sit Vij. | Sītā Vijayam. | V. | verapoly dictionaries. |
Sit Vṛtt. | Sītā Vṛttam. | V1. | the 1st part, Mal. & Port. |
Sk. | Skāndam purāṇam. | V2. | the 2nd part, port. & Mal. |
Soc. | Social (case). | VCh. | Veirāgya chandrōdayam. |
So. Can. | South Canara. | Ved. | the Vedic language. |
So. & So M. | South, South Malabar. | Ved (t). D. | Vēdānta Daršanam. |
Som. | Sōmavāra-Pāṭṭụ. | Vednt. | Vēdānta treatise. |
Som. Mah. | Sōmavāra Māhātmyam. | Vetc. (VC.) | Vētāḷa Charitam. [ers). |
SSh. | Shilātāmra Shāsanaṅgal. | VeY. | Vēḍāyuddham (a poem about hunt- |
Stuti | different Stutis of Gods. | Vilvp. | Vilva Purāṇam. |
Such. Mah. | Shuchīndra Māhātmyam. | VivR. | Vivāda Ratnākaram. |
Superl. | Superlative. | VN. | Verbal Noun. |
superst. | superstition. | Voc | Vocative (case). |
Sr., Swarg. | several Swargārōhaṇam. | vu. | vulgar. |
Swarg Kaly. | Swargārōhṇa Kalyāṇam. | VyM. | Vyāvahāra Māla. |
Syr. | Syrian (tongue). | VyP. | Vyākaraṇa Pravēšam. |
T. | Tamil (tongue). | W. | Wilson's Vocabulary of Indian terms; West (region). |
t. | tense. | ||
Talip. | Taḷipaṙambu (district). | Winsl. | Winslow. Tam.-Engl. Dict. (1862). |
Tantr. | Tantra-sangraham. | 5. | the five Dravidian languages: Ta- mil, Telugu, Ċanarese, Tuḷu and Malayāḷam. |
Tatw. | Tattwa-gnānam. | ||
Tdbh. | Tadbhavam. | ||
Te. | Tẹlugu (tongue). | 4. | four of id. (with the exception of the one given). |
Tell. | Tellicherry (district). | √ | Root. |
temp. | temporal. | - l - | repetition of the preceding word. |
Ti. | Tīppu Katha. | Numbers after words refer to the pages of the Dictionary. |
TP. | Tachōḷi Pāṭṭụ. |