A Malayalam and English dictionary

രചന:ഹെർമൻ ഗുണ്ടർട്ട് (1872)


following Lepsius's Standard Alphabet, 2nd Edition 1863, 2nd postscript.

a Vowels. (§ § 10-85)1)

a as a in about e as ea in head
„ a „ far ē „ ea „swear
i „ i „ pin ei,ai M. as ei in height
ī „ i „ police ai,ei s. as ai in kaiser
u 2) „ u „ full o as o in collect
ū „ u „ rule ō „ o „vote
vocalized r au „ ou „ house
do. ṝ lengthened അം aṃ „ um „ fulcrum
ḷi vocalized l അഃ aḥ,aഃ vocalized h
ḷī do. l lengthened

b. Consonants. (§ § 36–68)

1. a. Initial.3)

ka as ka in kalendar dha the same aspirated
kha the same aspirated na the true dental na
ga as ga in gallon pa as pa in parental
gha the same aspirated pha the same aspirated
ṅa as ñg in singing ba as ba in balloon
ča as cha in chapter bha the same aspirated
čha the same aspirated ma as ma in maternal
ĵa as ja in Japan ya as ya in yahoo (German j)
ĵh the same aspirated ra a palatal r
ṅa as nya in banyan ŕa a cerebral r (German r)
ṭa the cerebral ta la as la in laborious
ṭha the same aspirated va „ va in variety (soft English v)
ḍa the cerebral da ša a palatal sh
ḍha the same aspirated ša a cerebral sh (English sh)
ṇa the cerebral na sa as sa in salute
ta the true dental ta ha „ ha in harangue
tha the same aspirated ḷa a cerebral l
da the true dental da ḻa a cerebro–palatal l
[ 17 ] b. Final.
ൿ k ൺ ṇ ൻ ń മ്= ം m ൕ y ർ r ൽ l ൾ ḷ ഴ് ḷ 1)

c.Followed by a Consonant.

ക്ത kta ക്വ kva ക്ഷ kša ഗ്ന gna ഗ്ധ gdha
ച്യ čya ച്ശ്ര ččhra ഛ്ശ ččha ജ്ഞ jṅa ജ്ഝ jjha
ത്ഥ ttha ത്ഥ്യ tthya ത്ന tna ദ്ധ ddha ധ്ന dhna
പ്ത pta പ്ല pla ബ്ദ bda ബ്ര bra
ല്ബ lba ശ്ച šča സ്ക ska ഷ്ക ška etc
[യ്ക്ക yka ൾ്ക്ക ḷka ഴ്ക്ക ḷക (യ്ക yɤ ല്ക lɤa ൾ്ക lɤa ഴ്ക ḻɤa.]

d. Doubled.

2) ക്ക kka ങ്ങ ṅṅa
ച്ച čča ജ്ജ jja ഞ്ഞ ṅṅa
ട്ട ṭṭa ഡ്ഡ ḍḍa ണ്ണ ṇṇa
ത്ത tta ദ്ദ dda ന്ന nna & ńńa 3)
പ്പ ppa ബ്ബ bba മ്മ mma etc. 4)

e. Following r (1). 5)

ൎക്ക rka ൎഗ്ഗ rga ൎച്ച rča ൎജ്ജ rĵa ൎണ്ണ rṇa
ൎത്ത rta ൎദ്ദ rda ൎന്ന rna ൎപ്പ rpa ബ്ബ rba etc.

2. Combined with Nasals. ( § § 83, 84) 6)

ങ്ക ṅga (ംഖ ṅkha ംഗ ṅġa ഞ്ച ṅĵ (ഞ്ഛ ṅċha)
ഞ്ജ ṅĵ ണ്ട ṇḍa ണ്ഡ ṇḍa ന്ത nda
ന്ദ nďa മ്പ mba ൻപ ńba ംബ mḃa

3. Between 2 Vowels. (§ § 36-48) 7)

ka ɤa ഗ ġa ച ĵa (ša) ജ ĵa ട ḍa ഡ ḍa
ത ḋa ദ ďa പ ba ബ ḃa
കൃ ɤr ഗൃ ġr ജൃ ĵr തൃ ơṛ ദൃ ḋṛ പൃ bṛ ബൃ ḃṛ
[ 18 ] 4. Peculiarities.

a. ൽ, besides expressing final l, serves also for Sanscrit ത് t, which in Malayā-
ḷam is pronounced l, f.i. in ഉൽ, തൽ, മൽ etc.; അത്ഭുതം, ഉത്സാഹം, താൽപൎയ്യം,
ചമൽകാരം, ഗല്ഗദം, etc. (These are in Sanscrit čamat-kära, gadgaďa, etc.).

b. ന & ൻ. The Malayāḷam has two different n, viz: the true dental ന (4th
Varga) and the Dravidian (dento-gingival) ൻ (6th Varga, page 523). The distinct
pronunciation of both is still in use, but not nowadays, (as is the case with the Tamil),
the consistent writing of the characters representing it.

The dental ന(n) occurring as initial and combining with the Dentals (nd, nth, nď,
ndh) is unmarked; but dental ന്ന (originating from ൻ+റ, see 523, & ന്ത) is marked
by a grave accent (ńń), Both have dental pronunciation. 1)

The Dravidian ൻ(ń), besides being final (ń), combines with റ in ന്റെ ńďē (Gen.
Sing), sometimes with പ in ൻപ (also written മ്പ) ńba, with മ in (Plur.) ന്മാർ
ńmār (=ൻമാർ), or it results from the phonetic change of ൽ(ല് & ത്) before മ 523,
and, in contradistinction to n combining with Dentals, this n is marked by a grave
accent and pronounced dento-gingivally.

As this ൻ preponderates between vowels it has been left unmarked in transcrip-
tion; all such n & nn (without the grave accent) point therefore to ൻ, ൻൻ and
are pronounced accordingly. 2)

c. റ (6th Varga) has three different pronunciations.3)

1. റ doubled (റ്റ) is marked ťťa (resembling tt in utter),

2. combined with ൻ (ന്റ) is marked ńďa (resembling nd in binder),

3. initial and medial റ is marked ŕ.

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